Vogue is jumping on the resale train! A January 26, 2021 article by Alexis Bennett sings the praises of decorating your home with beautiful antique furniture, purchased online.
We're obviously huge fans of all things resale, including furniture. And you could basically replace every instance of "vintage furniture" in the article with "used kids' clothes" and come to the same message: buying both vintage furniture and preloved kids' clothes online is better for so many reasons.
What are those reasons, exactly? For starters:
- Quality
- Sustainability
- Affordability
- Uniqueness
Some of our favorite quotes from the piece drive these points home:
"Not only are those antique pieces [adorable clothes] a sustainable way to decorate your home [dress your kids], but they’re oftentimes better quality."
"'Having touched and examined many pieces of designer vintage furniture [kids' clothes], I can attest to the fact that there is certainly a distinction of quality that differentiates second-hand vintage furniture [clothes] from its newer and mass produced counterpart,' says Carmen Nash, a vintage furniture connoisseur."
"There are several online retailers that offer timeless home essentials [kids' goods] on their websites, [like Merry Go Rounds]."
Vogue, you basically wrote our marketing materials for us. Thanks!